About the VISAS.
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1. Sección General
1.1 What is a Residence Visa in Panama?
A permanent residence visa is a document allowing the holder to reside, acquire rights and responsibilities just like a Panamanian citizen, except for the right to vote\. [back to top]
1.2 Who can apply for a Residence Visa?
The selection system is based on a series of criteria based on established points by the Government of Panamá. The factors that are taken into account are those linked to education, age, work experience, job title, knowledge of the English language, and the presence of relatives and/or friends in Panamá.
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1.3 Once obtained the visa, can I settle in any city or province of Panama?
Yes. The candidates who initiate its process for the system of Panama once enter to Panama, they will be able to choose the province of its preference to work (to be employed) and to reside.
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1.4. Can we apply for two visas at the same time, a temporary one and a permanent residence visa?
It is not possible to do it. What yes is possible, it is to change the migratory status of one visa already obtained to another type of visa.
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2. Residence Visa in Panama
2.1 Are the members of my family included in my visa application?
Yes, if desired. You can include within its core family: parents, husband and dependent children. Means dependent children:
.-Son of one of their biological parents or adopted child of either of their parents under 18;
.-With more than 18 years but less than 25 years, studies full time, and is not married (single, widowed or divorced) and has unmarried partner;
.-It, uninterrupted, under the partial or total financial responsibility of their parents;
.-It has been married or unmarried partner had before 25 years of age and studies full time, or;
.-Have 25 years and can not meet their needs because of physical or mental disability.
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2.2How long is the immigration process in order to obtain a Permanent Residence Visa?
The immigration process lasts approximately 2 to 5 months.
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2.3 Upon receipt of the visa, how much time I have to move to Panama?
Visa is valid for one year from the date of adoption of the resolution and during this period, the person should be moved to Panama to get your card definitive.
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2.4 When must travel to Panama my dependents (parents, spouse and children)?
They may move while you but is not mandatory. If they arrive later, must respect the expiration date of the visas.
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2.5 Should I stay in Panama, once I enter as an immigrant?
Not one of the virtues of Panamanian immigration system is that gives residency to the applicant without the need for it must remain a specified time within the country.
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2.6 Is my resident visa in Panama allow me to enter or work in the USA?
While the status as Permanent Resident of Panama must always obtain a visa to enter the United States, either as a tourist or worker.
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2.7 When I get my citizenship and Panamanian passport? Is it mandatory request them?
Not every resident visas allow to opt for the Panamanian citizenship. Only immigrant visas permitting and is the fifth year approved a visa when you are eligible to obtain citizenship and passport if you wish. Currently, Panama recognizes multi-citizenship (several passports from various countries).
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3. Expenses to cancel the processing of your Visa
3.1 What are the costs incurred in processing a visa in Panama?
The costs are incurred in processing a visa depend on the type of visa is being processed and the number of dependents.
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4.1 Who should be subject to verification of criminal record?
You shall submit to verification that any person of legal age. This requirement varies depending on the country of origin (there are countries that do not require certification Criminal Record).
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4.2 What happens in the case in which a person had lived in several countries over the past years and could hardly get his certificate of no criminal record in either country?
The person must obtain a Certificate of Criminal Record of the last country Residence. If the person is born or lived in the past 2 years in one of the countries that do not require criminal records, just complete the form which certifies has no criminal record.
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