
To grant a Permanent Residence Permit according to the Friendship and Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between Italy and Panama, based on Law 15 of February 1 of 1966
Who can apply for this Permanent resident permit?
This permit is granted exclusively to all those foreigner of Italian citizenship that want to establish a permanent residence in our country in accordance with the bilateral agreement between Panama and Italy, which allows the Italians and dependents to reside and work indefinitely in the Panamanian territory. At the same Panamanian citizens can establish their residence in Italy under the same conditions as the Italians do at Panama, Additional, that country had established other benefits as of way of reciprocity. When the petition is approved, an Indefinite Residence Permit is issued. The validity or applicability of this residence permit is related to the condition that the Italian State applies or reciprocates the benefits to the Panamanian citizens, as a result of the bilateral agreement. This residence permit does not allow the naturalization status.
Processing time frame: 2 to 3 months.
Official immigration requirements for this Visa:
Power of attorney and request by means of a lawyer. |

Certified or Cashier’s check in the amount of B/ 100.00 in FAVOR of the “Tesoro Nacional” (National Treasury). |


Health Medical Certificate issued within the three (3) months prior to the presentation date. |


Penal and police record issued by the previous country of residence of the petitioner within the last two years, (This document will not be necessary, if the interested party has resided in Panama for the last two or more years on a consecutive time. |

Passport issued by the country of origin with a minimum of six months validity time and a complete photocopy of the passport, duly authenticated before a Public Notary. |

Eight (8) Carnet size photos up dated, of every interested party, (no hats or veils and facing front |

Proof of economic solvency of the petitioner proving how ones expenses are going to be paid. Bank reference or up dated Income Tax Form, including payment receipts (if the petitioner had a temporary residence in Panama). If photocopies are presented, have to be authenticated by the Internal Revenue Office. |

Dependents inclusion (spouse, dependant parents of the family nucleus, children under legal age and under 25 years old, if are students, singles without children) the requirements of the resident permit as Dependant’s Resident Status, proving the relationship and that the resident owes the proper economic solvency has to be provided, according to the Executive Decree No. 52 of February 19 of 2003 (a minimum of Five Hundred dollars per month ($500.00) and an additional Seventy Five dollars ( $75.00), or its equivalent, per each additional dependant. |

Personal Background Sworn Declaration duly signed by the interested party and by an authorized official of the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization or whoever receives the petition. (Form supplied by the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization). |


An extra set of photocopies of all the documentation presented. |

Others requirements:
At the presentation of the documents, a three months temporary carnet is issued and at the time of the approval of the request an indefinite residence carnet is issued. The costs of the carnets will be paid by the interest party.
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