
Who may apply for this permit?
All those foreigners that earn a minimum monthly income of Seven Hundred Fifty (US$750.00), that proceed exclusively from the interest of a five year period time deposit at “Banco Nacional de Panama” (National Bank of Panama). The petitioner can bring his (her) dependents into the country (Are considered as such, the parents, spouse or children under legal age or those who are of legal age but under 25 years, single and without children that are attending regular studies, on a Study Centre duly recognized by the Ministry of Education. The permit is granted for five extendable years and a special Panamanian passport is issued for the same length of time. The retired petitioner can invest money at the Panamanian Territory, previous to the compliance of the requirements, but will not be able to work within the territory.
Processing time frame: 2 to 3 months.
Official immigration requirements for this Visa:
Power of attorney and request by means of a lawyer. |

The generals of the check must be expressed (check number, name of the bank that issued the check, date and amount), identify and enumerate al the documents attached, as well as quoting the real and legal grounds in which you base the petition. The request must have a B/4.00 per page, legal stamp or postage (Four dollars per page). |


Health Medical Certificate issued within the three (3) months prior to the presentation date. |


Penal and police record issued by the previous country of residence of the petitioner, within the last two years, (This document will not be necessary, if the interested party has resided in Panama for two consecutive years prior to the presentation. |

Passport issued by the country of origin with a minimum of six months validity time and a complete photocopy of the passport, duly authenticated before a Public Notary. |

Eight (8) Carnet size photos updated, of every interested party, no hats or veils and facing front. |

Certification from “Banco Nacional de Panama” (National Bank of Panama) confirming that petitioner earns an income of Seven Hundred and Fifty dollars (B/.750.00) in monthly interest, that proceed exclusively from a five year period Time Deposit, mortgage free or that is not used as a collateral. |


Photocopy of the Time Deposit certificate or contract duly authenticated by “Banco Nacional de Panamá” (National Bank of Panamá). |


Personal Background Sworn Declaration [… duly signed by the interested party and by an authorized official of the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization or whoever receives the petition. (Form supplied by the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization).] |


An extra set of photocopies of all the documentation presented. |

Others requirements:
When the petition is approved, a special Panamanian passport is issued, which cost will be paid by the interested party. Nationalities that require a consulted visa must pay a fiscal stamp of $10.00. This permit does not grant the right to bear a Panamanian identification card.
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