
Who may request this Permanent Residence Permit?
A person retired from a foreign government or private company earning a permanent minimum income of Five Hundred American Dollars ($500.00) or its equivalent. If the person coming with dependents, an additional One Hundred (U$100.00) monthly is obligatory per each dependant. The law grants, in addition to the indefinite residence permit, tax franchises to import households or personal items once, up to the total amount of $10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars), and an automobile for personal use every two years.
Processing time frame: 2 to 3 months to obtain the Provisional Permit of Permanence, which has validity for one year.
Official immigration requirements for this Visa:
Power of attorney and request by means of a lawyer. |

Health Medical Certificate: issued within the three (3) months prior to the presentation date. |


Penal and police record issued by the previous country of residence of the petitioner within the last two years, (This document will not be necessary, if the interested party has resided in Panama for the last two or more years on a consecutive time. |

Passport issued by country of origin with a minimum of six months validity time and a complete photocopy of the passport, duly authenticated before a Public Notary. |

Eight (8) Carnet size photos up dated, of every interested party, no hats or veils and facing front. |

Document that certifies, by foreign government, international entities or private companies, the retired condition of the petitioner, and that the interested party earns a permanent income no less than Five Hundred American dollars or its equivalent ($500.00) per month. If there are dependents, the additional income has to be One Hundred Dollar ($100.00) monthly, per dependant. ( If the certification is in a foreign currency, a certification from the Panama National Bank stating the equivalent amount in dollars.)
If petitioner is retired from a private company, He (She) has to present the document that certifies by means of the authorized authority that the company is still operating (equivalent to the Panamanian Public Register Certificate) and attach the last five supporting documents of the pension receipt. If the money is received by bank’s transfer, copy of the bank statement from the bank, have to be presented. |

Personal Background Sworn Declaration duly signed by the interested party and by an authorized official of the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization or whoever receives the petition. (Form supplied by the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization). |

An extra set of photocopies of all the documentation presented. |

To return to "Types of Visas"