
Who may apply for this permit?
It is only granted to the Directive or Operative executive foreigners that come temporarily into the country, and whose personal income comes from a company whose headquarter is abroad, as well as the representative or subsidiary office in Panama and that their representation is abroad. The petitioner can include in the request, as dependant, his (her) spouse and children under age that want to reside in the city. The foreigner to whom this permit is granted cannot perform other activities but the ones expressed on the request and if this is done, the granted permit can be cancelled or the one that is in process can be denied.
Processing time frame: 2 to 3 months.
Official immigration requirements for this Visa:
Power of attorney and request by means of a lawyer. |

Health Medical Certificate issued within the three (3) months prior to the presentation . |


Penal and police record issued by the previous country of residence of the petitioner within the last two years, (this document wil l not be necessary, if the interested party has been in Panama for the last two or more years on a consecutive time. |

Passport issued by the country of origin with a minimum of six months validity time and a complete photocopy of all used pages the passport, duly authenticated before a Public Notary. |
Eight (8) Carnet size photos up dated, of every interested party, no hats or veils and facing front |

Work Letter issued by the hiring company, with the company letterhead paper stating that the petitioner was hired to performed executive work as Director – Operative worker, where the following is certify:
1) That the company is in good standing, currently active, address of the headquarter and /or the Regional subsidiary closer to our country and that our country is included in its operations, address, phone numbers, e mails, and detailing the name of the legal representatives.
2) That the petitioner is an Executive or Representative as Director or Operative Executive of the company, specifying and detailing the functions to be performed within our country.
3) That the petitioner earns a salary over a Thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and that it does not come from a Panamanian source (the source of the income must be detailed and the form of payment form.
4)That the company is responsible for all the expenses of the petitioner and that it is committed to inform the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization of the closing of the company or the end of the labour contract with the executive that applies to this visa and that it is engaged in the repatriation once the labour relation.
5) Estimated length of time considered for the executive to be in our country.
Certificate that states the existence of the company issued at the place of origin, equivalent to the Certificate of Juridical Persons issued by the Public Register or the certification of the Panamanian Public Register, certifying that the mother company is properly registered in our country, detailing the physical address abroad and related information (Dignitaries, empowered, legal domicile, etc.) |

Bank references: issued by a local bank, in favor of the company or the foreigner applying to this visa (the petitioner must have a bank account where the income is received. |

Personal Background Sworn Declaration duly signed by the interested party and an authorized official of the National Directorate of Immigration and Naturalization o whoever receives the petition. |

An extra set of photocopies of all the documentation presented. |

Others requirements:
At the time of approval of the petition a one year temporal visitor visa is stamp and a resident carnet is issued. The costs of the carnets will be paid by the interest party. Those nationalities that requires visa have to pay a $ 10.00 fiscal stamp. This permit does not grant the right to bear a Panamanian identification card.
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